🟢 Available for work

DNA Gardens

Founded off the back of 15 years of passion, detail-driven, reliable, hard work in the gardening industry – DNA Gardens offers a first-class service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

project icon dna


  • Project lead
  • User Research
  • Web design
  • Web development
  • Site maintenance
  • Logo design
  • Brand Design
  • Technical Support


  • Wireframes
  • WordPress
  • TailwindCSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Responsive design
  • Style guide
  • Research


DNA Gardens

Project overview

I was approached by Adam via Facebook as he was starting his own business after 15 years working for others.

He needed a logo, branding and a website.

The Problem

At a basic level, the core problem was that Adam had a business without an identity or online presence.

The Solution

To start with, we needed to create the businesses branding.

I met with Adam and he explained he wanted the business to portray trust, reliability, care and attention to detail.

He also identified some visuals he linked. Specifically around DNA.

This fit with the attention to detail he and his business strived for.

The process

1. Version A logo design

Design based on leaving your mark (the creative side to gardening) as well as leaning into the small details (like those that make up our fingerprints)

The process

1. Version B logo design

Design based on helix and using negative space to create leaf.

The process

2. Version A in situ

The process

2. Version A in situ (cont)

The process

2. Version B in situ

Once I understood the requirements for the new site, I was able to create a site structure to confirm hierarchy.

The process

2. Version B in situ (cont)

Logo better then I expected simple but effective.

The holding page, honestly it looks spot on 100% perfect.

Adam Hone – Owner @ DNA Gardens
The process

3. Holding page design

Version ‘B’ was chosen

January 10th

✍️ Blog Design Systems Web Design 🤖 AI Content

This blog post was written by ChatGPT 🤖

Discover the many benefits of using a design system in your UI design process. From ensuring consistency, improving efficiency, and supporting scalability, to ensuring accessibility and aligning with your brand. Learn how implementing a design system can improve the overall user experience and unlock the full potential of your UI design.


October 11th

Branding Logo Web Design WebFlow 🚀 Launched Website

Built for humans web design studio website launch

The first itteration of my human-first design agency webiste for Built for humans. Created using WebFlow.

Built for humans web design studio website launch

September 27th

Development Web Design WordPress 🚀 Launched Website

New site launched

🚀 Launched this website after redesign and repositioning.

See more moments ->
© 1985-2025 Carl Lister